Choose your .nl
Use the .nl search bar ('Whois') to find your perfect .nl, or to check who the current registrant of a .nl domain name is. Simply enter the domain name you're interested in, and you'll immediately see whether it's still available. If it isn't, our suggestion tool will help you choose from the millions of alternatives. So that you get your perfect .nl!
Why choose a .nl?
Dutch internet users
Easier to find, so gets more traffic
Demonstrably safer
Choose from more than 5 million available domain names
Number of registered .nl domain names:
Looking up a domain name
What is a domain name and what rules apply? To check whether a domain name's available, use the Whois. If a domain name's already in use, the Whois will give details.
Registering a domain name
You register a domain name through a registrar. Read how you do that and what you should consider, e.g. securing your domain name.
Updating your registration
If your registration needs updating, you do that through your registrar. Use the links for details of the different types of update.