Find your perfect .nl

Use the .nl search bar ('Whois') to find your perfect .nl, or to check who the current registrant of a .nl domain name is. Simply enter the domain name you're interested in, and you'll immediately see whether it's still available. If it isn't, our suggestion tool will help you choose from the millions of alternatives. So that you get your perfect .nl!

Looking up a domain name

What is a domain name and what rules apply? To check whether a domain name's available, use the Whois. If a domain name's already in use, the Whois will give details.

Registering a domain name

You register a domain name through a registrar. Read how you do that and what you should consider, e.g. securing your domain name. There's also info about how we protect your privacy.

Updating your registration

If your registration needs updating, you do that through your registrar. Use the links for details of the different types of update.

Finding a registrar

You register a domain name through one of our registrars. Would you like to be able to handle domain registrations yourself? To do that, you need to become a .nl registrar.

Disputes and complaints

Do you believe that a domain name's use is wrong, unethical or unlawful? Do you have a problem with the content linked to a domain name? Use the links to see what you can do.

Is your business findable on the internet?

A well-chosen domain name makes it easier for people to find your business on the internet. But how? What do you need to consider when choosing a name, and what search engine optimisation (SEO) tricks will get your website to the top of the search results? Does it matter which extension you use, and can you change your domain name? SEO expert Eduard Blacquiere explains the essentials.

More about your domain name and SEO

SEO expert Eduard Blacquiere

What is a domain name?

Super sokken

A domain name is a unique internet name. Our domain name is Domain names are used mainly for websites. But you can do other things with them, such as create your own e-mail addresses.

A domain name is linked to an IP address

Every domain name goes with a long numeric address, or 'IP address'. Domain names were invented because long numbers aren't easy for people to recognise and remember. When you use the net, domain names are translated into IP addresses by the Domain Name System (DNS). Watch the video 'Super socks', which explains how the DNS works. English subtitles are available.

Read more about domain names and the rules