.nl Control
With .nl Control, you have extra control over your domain name. No important changes can be made without first being approved by you or your agent.
Is .nl Control for you?
.nl Control is definitely worth considering for anyone with a valuable domain name. And anyone who has a lot to lose in the event of a malicious or mistaken registration change, e.g. people who run webshops. Prevent unauthorised changes to your domain name!

How does .nl Control work?
A .nl Control domain name is assigned special 'Limited' status. That means that we check out every update request. We give you a call and ask you to sign off the change.

What kinds of update are controlled?
Changes to registration details:
registrant, administrative contact, technical contact, name server
Changes to in-zone name server glue records and/or DNSSEC key material (optional).
Where can I buy .nl Control?
You can get more information and subscribe to the service through any of the following agents:
Learn more about .nl Control
If you'd like to know more about .nl Control, we will be happy to help:

SIDN Support
Support Assistant
Our lines are open 8:30am to 5pm Dutch time
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