Registering a .nl domain name for your business

Entrepeneur in the office

Welcome! If you're starting a business, we'll help you register a .nl domain name quickly and easily.

Why opt for a .nl domain name? What makes a good business domain name? How can you make sure your domain name's unique? Where can we register our domain name?

Step 1: Looking up your domain name

Got a .nl domain name in mind for your business? Want to know whether it's free? Simply type the name into the search bar at the top of the page. You'll see straight away whether the name is still available to register. If it's not, the tool will suggest other domain names that are still free. Need help choosing a name? Read our advice on what makes a good business domain name.

Step 2: Registering your domain name

You can register your domain name through your registrar (hosting service provider). Not got a registrar yet? Go to Finding a registrar for advice on how to choose, then pick the one that's right for you. 

Why opt for a .nl domain name?

  • 80 per cent of Dutch internet users prefer to buy from .nl webshops

  • A .nl domain name makes you easier to find in the Netherlands

  • You can register a .nl domain name through any one of 1200-plus registrars


Has someone else already registered the domain name matching your business name? See what your options are: read about our dispute resolution system.
