Conditions of using .nl Control services

Latest update: 2023-01-01

Who do we mean by 'you'?

You're the registrant of a particular .nl domain name.

  • And you want to subscribe to .nl Control for that domain name.

Who do we mean by 'we'?


Who is your registrar?

An intermediary who deals with us on your behalf.

  • Your registrar is a service provider that looks after the registration of your .nl domain name.

  • If we need to get authorisation for an update to your registration, we'll contact you direct.

    • But all other communication between you and us will go through your registrar.

What is .nl Control?

A service that gives registrants extra control over important updates to .nl domain name registrations.

  • For details of how the .nl Control service works, see

    • That information forms part of these conditions.

When does the subscription start?

As soon as we send you a confirmation e-mail.

  • Before doing that, we check your subscription form and documents.

    • As part of the checks, we'll call you.

  • After that, the subscription starts.

Are we allowed to change .nl Control?

Yes, we're allowed to make changes to the service.

  • If we do that, we'll give you at least thirty days' notice by e-mail.

    • Unless we need to make a really urgent change.

  • If we change the service, you're entitled to cancel your subscription.

    • As long as you let us know before the change comes in.

    • In that case, your subscription will end when the change comes in.

We're also allowed to stop providing the service.

  • If we do that, we'll give you at least six months' notice by e-mail.

What does .nl Control cost?

Your registrar sets the price that you pay.

  • That's the same with all .nl services.

What other rights and obligations apply?

The ones described in articles 25 to 29 in the General Terms and Conditions for .nl Registrants.

  • Unless these conditions say something else.