Want to know whether a domain name is still available? Or who owns an existing name? Just type the name into the bar, where it says Check your .nl domain name here. We'll tell you whether the name is available or what its status is. Is also show suggestions of domain that are still available for registration.
Domain name available or taken?
If the domain name is available, you can register it through a registrar (hosting service provider).
If the domain name is already taken, you can use the Whois to see who's registered it.
Our Whois is for looking up .nl domain names only.
How does the Whois work?
You can check the status of a domain name by typing it into the bar that says Check your .nl domain name here. Additional information about an existing domain name is available from the Whois.
Please note!
There's a limit on how often you can use the bar that says Check your .nl domain name here. For each location (IP address), the limit is five hundred times per twenty-four hours. Every time you click 'OK', that counts as using the bar. Read more about domain name statuses.
Whois and privacy
Using the Whois, you can find out about an existing domain name's registration. That makes the Whois a powerful tool, which needs to be used responsibly. The reasons for making registration data available in the Whois and the way personal data is protected are explained under SIDN and privacy.