Co-funded marketing for .nl
In partnership with our registrars, we are constantly investing in the .nl domain. One way we do that is by assisting marketing initiatives and campaigns run by individual registrars. Over the last few years, we've given support to scores of registrars and their resellers. So, if you've got a good idea for boosting sales of .nl domain names, or you're developing a campaign that could do with a boost, let us know! We may be able to help you turn your idea into reality, by providing financial support, data, .nl campaign materials or hands-on assistance.
Get co-funding for your .nl campaign!

Got a great idea for a .nl campaign? Complete the form to apply for support. If you're a reseller, ask your .nl registrar to make an application for you. Information about the campaigns we support and the conditions that apply is given below.
Open the co-funding application form .nl marketing >
We collect your personal data via the form. What we do with it is explained in our privacy statement.
User-friendly procedure
You don't need to have a detailed plan -- just an idea. Simply complete the form, and we'll quickly assess whether the idea is something we can help with.
Open the co-funding application form .nl marketing >
What kind of ideas are we looking for?
A strong application is one that:
Delivers added value for end users
Raises .nl's profile on the registrar's website
Involves more than a discount
Helps to build the image of .nl
Helps to reinforce the brand preference for .nl
Boosts sales of .nl domain names
Promotes active domain name use
Promotes multi-year registrations
You'll get an answer within five working days. If we think there's mileage in supporting your suggestion, we'll send you a draft agreement to sign.
Financial parameters
Support must always be in proportion to the anticipated return. Our standard formula is €3.50 per extra domain name registered, or per extra cancellation avoided, during the campaign period. So, if a campaign generates a thousand extra registrations, or results in a thousand fewer cancellations, our contribution is €3,500. The following conditions also apply:
Our contribution will never be more than 50 per cent of the campaign budget.
At least half of our contribution will be dependent on the campaign result.
Additional conditions may be attached to contributions exceeding €5,000.
We reserve the right to refuse applications if the total sum applied for exceeds the budget we have allocated to co-funding.
When will the money be paid?
If we agree to co-fund realisation of your idea, you'll get a fixed contribution at start of the campaign, as specified in the co-funding agreement. In addition, a variable contribution linked to the campaign result will be payable once the campaign has ended.

Get inspiration from the campaign toolkit
Not sure about the design of your .nl campaign? Take a look at our marketing toolkit: a collection of free-to-use, rights-free .nl marketing materials grouped into resource sets, each focusing on a particular topic. Only available in Dutch.
Feel free to get in touch if you've got a question
You can reach us on working days between 8:30am and 5pm (Dutch time) by calling +31 26 352 5555 or mailing