Our Whois tool lets you look up details of a domain name. Type a name where it says Check your .nl domain name here and click 'show me the details'. You'll then see what the name's status is. Tick the box for more detailed information and agree to the terms and conditions. The 'Whois data' about the name is then shown.
Please note
You can check the status of a domain name 2,000 times per 24 hours from 1 location (IP address). Every time you click on ‘Check’, counts.
What statuses can a domain name have?
Status | Description |
Free | You can register the domain name. |
Withdrawn | No one can register the domain name, for technical reasons. |
Excluded | No one can register the domain name, because we have excluded it. Only a few domain names are excluded: ftp.nl, mail.nl, nl.nl and www.nl. |
In application | The domain name has already been requested and the request is being processed. |
Requested | Someone has already applied to register the domain name. We are currently dealing with the application. |
Active | The domain name has already been registered, but no name servers have been defined yet. |
In quarantaine | The domain name has been cancelled, but we have set it aside for forty days, in case the old registrant does want it after all. If the old registrant doesn't get the name reinstated, anyone can register it once the forty days are up. |
What info can you get from the Whois?
Field in the Whois | Description |
Domain name | The requested domain name |
Status | One of the statuses explained above |
Registrant's name | The name of the person or organisation that has registered the domain name; if the registrant is a private individual, their name isn't shown |
Administrative contact | The e-mail address that can be used to contact the registrant about administrative matters relating to the domain name |
Registrar | The business through which the domain name was registered with SIDN |
Abuse contact | Details for contacting the registrar if the domain name is involved in abuse (phishing, malware distribution, etc) |
Reseller | The business that set up the domain name's registration; a reseller isn't an SIDN registrar but works through a registrar |
Technical contact | The e-mail address that can be used by technical questions about the domain name (usually the registrar's address) |
DNSSEC | Whether a domain name is or not secured with DNSSEC. |
Domain name servers | The name servers linked to the domain name |
Registration date | The date that the domain name was registered |
Date last updated | The date that the registration details were most recently amended |
Quarantine end date | The date that the domain name will be released from quarantine and become available for registration (recently cancelled names only) |
Record maintained by | The organisation that administers the registration (that's always us!) |
Why do I have to tick the box before I can see details of a registration?
By ticking the box, you show that you agree to the terms and conditions. That means, for example, that you agree to use the information responsibly. For details of why we publish registration data and how we protect people's privacy, see SIDN and privacy.
I'd like to access the Whois via the command line. How do I do that?
First of all, you need a look-up tool. You can download one from the Microsoft website, for example. Run the tool, then type "Whois -h Whois.domain-registry.nl is [domain name, e.g. 'sidn.nl']
" to check a domain name's status. To get details of an existing registration, type "Whois -h Whois.domain-registry.nl [domain name, e.g.: 'sidn.nl']
Is the information in the Whois incorrect?
Then report this to us at support@sidn.nl or +31 26 352 55 55 and indicate what is wrong. We will then examine whether there is reason to intervene. The Whois output via the command line consists of the following information only:
Registrar's name and address
Reseller's name and address (where relevant)
Domain name servers
Registration date
Date of last modification
Date out of quarantine
Record maintained by (always 'NL Domain Registry', which is us)