A well-chosen domain name makes it easier for people to find your business on the internet. But how? What do you need to consider when choosing a name, and what search engine optimisation (SEO) tricks will get your website to the top of the search results? Does it matter which extension you use, and can you change your domain name?
On this page we explain how a .nl domain name can improve your finadability. As well as useful background info, there are several short videos in which SEO expert Eduard Blacquiere (www.edwords.nl) explains the essentials.
Search engine optimization
For a high search engine ranking, three things make a big difference:
A site that's slow to load or doesn't have an SSL certificate scores badly. Bear that in mind when choosing a hosting package.
If your site keeps people interested, that's reflected in positive opinions and a better ranking.
Links, shares, likes. They define your site's reputation on the net.
Eduard Blacquiere explains why findability matters for your website and what difference a domain name makes.

Which domain name is most findable?
Someone who does a search sees a list of hits, including your site. What's going to make that person click on your domain name? Put yourself in their shoes. Do a search for the goods or services you sell, and see which results catch your eye. Eduard Blacquiere describes the ideal name.

What about changing your domain name?
After using one domain name for a while, you might be tempted to change. Maybe because a better sounding name comes on the market, which wasn't available before. However, a name change can have a big findability impact. So tread carefully. All the experts agree: never change your name and your site at the same time. If you must change, start with the domain name, wait for Google to pick up the switch, and then roll out the new site. Google has an FAQ section devoted to this topic.
Let's get going!
So now you're full of ideas and want to get cracking, eh? Eduard Blacquiere has some tips on (free) tools to help you hit the ground running.

The tools that Eduard mentions in the video are:
Want to know more? Read articles on SEO for entrepreneurs on Frankwatching (in Dutch).