Would you like to be able to register domain names with us directly? Then why not become a registrar?
What are the benefits?
You can register domain names with us directly.
You can use the Whois more often and you can get more detailed information from it.
You will be invited to useful and enjoyable events, e.g. our SIDN BBQ and SIDN Inspire.
Access to our SIDN Academy with free educational materials on technical applications.
What are the conditions?

For full details, read the General Terms and Conditions for Registrars. A few important things to bear in mind:
Your registrar account has to be in the name of your business. Trading names are allowed as long as they are in the Trade Register.
The person who signs the contract for you has to be named as a signatory in the Trade Register extract that you send us.
We can refuse your application if you have been a registrar before and you didn't fulfil your obligations (e.g. you didn't pay us or you paid late).
What does it cost?
There is a one-off enrolment fee of €25 excluding VAT. For this you will receive a separate bill. We collect the amount from your account.
Once your account is active, you pay a monthly registrar's fee of €85, excluding VAT. The payments start once your account has been activated.
You also pay for various registration activities, such as:
Registering a domain name
Reactivating a quarantined (cancelled) domain name
Taking over all the domain names in another registrar's portfolio, or some of them
For a full list of fees and charges, e-mail support@sidn.nl.
What's the enrolment procedure?
Enrolment involves five steps:
1. Download the enrolment form.
2. Complete the form.
It's important that the information you give is correct and that you don't miss anything out, e.g. your signature. By completing the form, you also authorise us to collect invoiced sums by direct debit.
3. Attach a register extract:
You need to let us have an extract from the Trade Register, Foundations Register or Associations Register, no more than 6 months old.
4. E-mail the form and the extract to support@sidn.nl or post them to:
SIDN Support Department PO Box 5022 6802 EA ARNHEM The Netherlands
5. You will receive two e-mails in return.
We'll e-mail you as soon as your enrolment is complete. That can take up to 5 working days. In the first e-mail, you'll receive: - Your registrar number - Your log-in details for the DRS (Domain Registration System) In the second e-mail there will be a link, which you can use to create a password for the registrars' website. The site is where you'll find everything you need to operate as a registrar.
Membership of the Registrars' Association
As a registrar, you can join the Registrars Association (RA). The RA looks after registrars' interests in relation to SIDN. For more about the RA, see our page 'SIDN and the Registrars' Association' and the association's own website.
Need more help?
If there's anything else you'd like to know, e-mail us any time at support@sidn.nl.
Frequently asked questions
What if we are based outside the Netherlands?
Organisations from other countries can enrol as registrars in much the same way as Dutch organisations. The procedure differs in two ways:
You need to provide an extract from your country's equivalent of the Trade Register, Foundations Register or Associations Register. The extract has to be no more than six months old and written in Dutch or English.
You don't have to pay VAT on your enrolment fee.
Can we see the registration system manuals before enrolling?
Yes, just e-mail a request to support@sidn.nl.