Are you unhappy with a decision we've made? You can appeal against some decisions to the independent Complaints & Appeals Board.
What decisions can you appeal against?
CenABIf we refuse to accept you as a registrant, because in the past you've failed to fulfil your obligations to us. (Article 1.5 of our General Terms and Conditions for .nl Registrants)
If we summarily cancel your domain name's registration or reverse a change. (Article 13.3)
If we cancel your registration, because you fail to fulfil your obligations to us. That includes giving us incorrect information and failing to correct it within thirty days. (Article 16.3)
If we break the link between your domain name and your website, because of criminal or unlawful content on your site. We may do that if a request is made under the Notice and Take Down Procedure. (Article 21.5)
If we turn down a request you've made to withhold your details from the Whois. (Article 23.4)
How does the C&AB work?
For details, see the C&AB Regulations and the C&AB website. The Regulations also describe the appeal procedure and set out the cost.