We've improved our domain name suggestion tool

Finding the right .nl is now easier than ever

Struggling to come up with a good .nl domain name? Looking for inspiration? Then try our suggestion tool on sidn.nl -- finding your ideal .nl domain name is much easier with a little help. The newly upgraded tool now features extra filter options and delivers even better ideas. Whenever you use the search bar on our home page to look up a domain name, the suggestion tool is activated.

Why opt for a .nl domain name? Registering a domain name

What options have we added to the search tool?

Include or exclude widely used additions

To make finding a new .nl domain name easier, you can now choose whether you want your search results to include widely used additional words and strings. Including additions can open up all sorts of extra possibilities. So enable this option to see your search term(s) plus popular words and strings such as onze, jouw, uw, super, de, beste, online, nieuwe, oude, e-, online, store, shop, app, handel, huis, vergelijk, keuze, hulp, event, evenement, 2020 and 24.

Stel je filters in om je ideale .nl te vinden

Include or exclude previously used .nl domain names

Sometimes people register great domain names, but only use them for a while, if at all. Our suggestion tool now lets you decide whether you want to see previously registered domain names in the results. A used domain name can have the advantage that it's still attracting traffic. Or it might be something catchy that you hadn't thought of yourself. If you enable the 'Previously used .nl' option, you'll get names that have been registered before in your results, flagged with a 'recycled' icon, like the one in this illustration:

Het recycle-icoon geeft aan dat het een eerder gebruikte .nl-domeinnaam is.

More suggestion sources added

As well as adding features to give you more control over the suggestions you get, we've made some big improvements to the way things work 'under the hood'. For example, we've increased the number of (synonym) dictionaries that the tool consults to generate suggestions. So you now get more ideas and better ideas. Unfortunately, it's inevitable that a suggestion list will occasionally still include something inappropriate.

Continuous improvement

Although our suggestion tool is now better than ever, we have no plans to sit back and relax. We're constantly looking to optimise the domain name suggestions that you get. And knowing what you think of the tool can be a big help. So, if you notice an issue, or you've got a suggestion or question, drop a line to communicatie@sidn.nl.