We've redesigned our website!
A fresh new design and menu structure
A fresh new design and menu structure
Welcome to the new-look sidn.nl! As you can see, our website has a fresh new design. The menu structure has also been adapted to reflect our mission.
In recent years we have been working with the pay off 'Your world'. Our domain'. Because it didn't fit in well with our ambitions in the field of cybersecurity and online identity, we developed a new pay off: 'For confidence online'. This is in line with the areas of interest and the social role we want to promote.
Our mission is to promote problem-free, opportunity-rich digital living for everyone. While our primary role is managing the .nl internet domain, we're also active in the fields of cybersecurity and online identity. We develop products and services that make e-commerce and logins more secure.
CyberSterk is our user-friendly security solution for SMEs. While CyberSterk was under development, we had a separate website for the service. Now that it's a fully fledged product, CyberSterk deserves a proper place on sidn.nl, where it can be showcased in SIDN's house style. That way, we expect more SMEs to see how easy it is to protect their networks and websites with CyberSterk.
SIDN Fund is an outstanding initiative, through which support is given to projects that make the internet stronger or promote its innovative use. The Fund makes a real contribution to the prosperity and wellbeing of the nation, which we want to highlight properly on our site. SIDN Fund now therefore features in our main navigation menu.
We now have a handy pull-down menu, making it easier to see at a glance what's where on our site. So you can go straight to the product, theme or section you're looking for.
We think the changes we've made will help you find what you want faster. And we hope you'll be inspired by the news and ideas that we share. Got a question? Want to make a suggestion? We'd love to hear from you. Simply drop a line to communicatie@sidn.nl.