We have a new house style!

We are proud to unveil our new visual identity! From now on, all our communications will feature a new logo, a fresh look and new pay-off. Our new house style reflects who we now are and the ambitions we now have.

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Stable and reliable, colourful and diverse

From being a fairly conservative organisation known mainly to industry insiders, we have developed into a dynamic enterprise. Our main role is, of course, managing the .nl domain. That isn't going to change: we will continue working with all our registrars to ensure the security and stability of .nl. But we now also act as registry service provider for .aw and .amsterdam. And, through our partnership with Simplerinvoicing, we're taking our first steps as a trust framework manager. Later this year, we expect to broaden our activity portfolio further by introducing services linked to the .bv domain. Our new logo expresses the stability and reliability of our organisation, with an array of colours reflecting the diversity of our activities.

Your world, our domain

Accompanying the new logo is a new pay-off. We used to describe ourselves simply as 'the company behind .nl', but that no longer reflects the spread of our activities. We are respected for our quality and expertise in a variety of fields, and for our policy of investing in the internet's development. We are a company that innovates. A company that prefers to lead, not follow. Today, we provide high-quality services linked to innovative, secure domains and digital identities, helping to build a reliable and secure digital world. 'Your world. Our domain.' The photos on the homepage illustrate how our activities contribute to secure digital living and digital business.

Less formal writing

We've also decided to use a less formal style of writing. One that suits the modern, accessible organisation we want to be. The new pay-off is a perfect example: 'Your world. Our domain.' You'll also see that the writing on our website and in our other media is clearer and more to the point. We'll be extending the modern, informal style right across our publications in the weeks ahead.