Valerie Frissen and Kees Neggers join SIDN's SB

On 1 April 2014, SIDN's Supervisory Board (SB) gains two new members: Valerie Frissen and Kees Neggers. At the same time, three of the SB's original members - chair Eddy Schuyer, Christiaan van der Valk and Erik Huizer – are stepping down. All three have completed nine years' service, the maximum permitted by the constitution. Former Director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office Paul Schnabel, who joined the SB in October 2013, will take over the chair from Eddy Schuyer. Frissen and Neggers will also be members of the ENUM NL's Board of Governors.

Principal scientist bij TNO

Valerie Frissen is principal scientist ICT & Social Change bij TNO, de organisatie waar ze sinds 1999 verschillende functies bekleedde. Daarnaast is Frissen bijzonder hoogleraar ICT en Sociale Verandering verbonden aan de Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en bekleedt ze verschillende bestuurs- en adviesfuncties. Ze is onder meer lid van de Adviesraad voor Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid, van de rvt van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep en van het bestuur van het Nationaal Comité 4 & 5 mei. Frissen geeft veel lezingen en gastcolleges en treedt vaak op als extern deskundige en strategisch adviseur en heeft een uitgebreid nationaal en internationaal netwerk van beleidsmakers en academici in de wereld van de ICT en de media.

Internet pioneer

Kees Neggers has been a key figure in the development of the internet in the Netherlands, but he is also known internationally as an expert campaigner for an open and free internet. His career as an internet pioneer has included over twenty-four years as Director of SURFnet, the Dutch research network. As well as working for SURFnet, Neggers was one of the people behind the creation of AMS-IX, the world's biggest internet hub, as well as RIPE NCC, TERENA, ISOC and In 2012, Neggers was inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame, which celebrates the people who have brought the modern internet to life.

Important contributors to the development of SIDN

Eddy Schuyer has been chair and Christiaan van der Valk and Erik Huizer have been members of SIDN's Supervisory Board since its creation in 2005. In their respective roles, they have helped to develop the SB into a body that oversees and advises SIDN's executive management, and they have made a substantial contribution to the development of SIDN. Over the last eighteen months, many of the SB's original members have stepped down after completing the maximum term of office permitted by the constitution. During the same period, Peter van Schelven, Willem van Waveren, Simon Hania and Paul Schnabel have all joined the SB. Following the appointment of Valerie Frissen and Kees Neggers, one seat on SIDN's SB remains vacant. The SB is currently talking to candidates to fill the vacancy.