Transparency Report 2024 published

Details of the work we do to maintain the quality of the .nl domain

2024 on digital lcd display

The .nl domain is one of the most secure top-level domains in the world. And, together with registrants, registrars, hosting service providers, authorities and others, we work hard to keep it that way. That means taking the lead on tackling any abuse that involves .nl domain names, as described in our vision of internet abuse prevention. Occasionally, the prevention of abuse involves disabling a domain name. Details of our intervention activities are provided in a quarterly Transparency Report.

Abuse prevention

“Cybercriminals keep coming up with new dodges”

We see fighting abusive and criminal activities in the .nl zone as one of our core activities. We tackle malpractice in a variety of ways and in partnership with various other organisations. In 2024, for example, we drew up plans to intensify our collaboration with the Police National Internet Fraud Desk. Meanwhile, our research team, SIDN Labs, is constantly developing tools to help us detect malicious domain name registrations as early as possible. One of those tools is RegCheck, which assigns risk scores to new domain name registrations, enabling the immediate identification of malicious activity and prompt intervention. Also, students doing thesis research at SIDN Labs are looking at ways of making .nl even more secure. For a flavour, check out the blogs by Damianos Nikou and Nathan DeRidder.

Open and transparent

Compared with the total number of .nl domains – more than 6 million – the number of times we intervene is very small. Nevertheless, we think it's important to be open and transparent about our interventions, because they can have major implications for those involved. Our Transparency Report therefore details how often we have felt obliged to take action and how often we provided non-public registrant data, of our own accord, in response to legal proceedings or at the request of a law enforcement agency. The Transparency Report is updated quarterly.

Feel free to get in touch if you've got a question

You can reach us on working days between 8am and 6pm (Dutch time) by calling +31 26 352 5555 or mailing