“The ambition level is high, because we want to retain our elite performance capability”
Marjet van Zuijlen looks back at her first year as Chair of our Supervisory Board
Marjet van Zuijlen looks back at her first year as Chair of our Supervisory Board
Marjet van Zuijlen succeeded Paul Schnabel as Chair of SIDN's Supervisory Board (SB) on 1 September 2022. She's been talking to us about her first year in the role, and about the challenges facing SIDN as an organisation.
"From 1994 to 2000, I was Spokesperson on Economic Affairs and Telecommunication and Media in the Dutch parliament. It was in that period that the internet – or the 'electronic highway', to use the buzz phrase of the time – began attracting the interest of politicians. Against that backdrop, I wrote a book on new media and politics for the scientific bureau of the Dutch Labour Party. It was called Doodgewoon Digitaal ('Digital as the Norm'). So the development of the internet was a topic that I felt very engaged with. After 2000, I left politics and went into the business world, where I had various roles. Taking the chair of SIDN's Supervisory Board has allowed me to pick up a thread from an earlier phase of my career. It's also given me the opportunity to reconnect with people I knew and had good relations with back then."
"A Supervisory Board is the executive directors' employer, sounding board and supervisor. I monitor the quality of the SB's decision-making processes, and I make sure that everyone feels that they have a say. I also oversee the agenda, in consultation with the Executive Board. It's important that we focus on the right things."
The Supervisory Board oversees and advises SIDN's Executive Board on policy matters and monitors the general situation within the organisation. The SB is concerned with our objectives, our strategy and the risks associated with our business activities, and with the design and performance of our risk management and control systems.
"SIDN is a very professional organisation. There's always an upbeat, friendly atmosphere at SIDN, which makes it a pleasure to visit. Everyone is very committed to what they do."
"We have annual discussions about the budget for realisation of the organisation's plans, and about the performance of both the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. Some subjects have our constant attention, such as the services we provide to registrars, the ICT reports, pricing, SIDN Fund and SIDN Labs. Then, of course, this year there's been the ICT Roadmap and developments within the ICT Department. SIDN has defined an ambitious ICT vision and strategy for the next few years, involving fundamental changes to the organisation's ICT landscape. The intention is to update the domain name registration system, for example, and to develop a (cloud) sourcing strategy. The SB also meets the Staff Council twice a year, and, from next year, we'll be holding annual talks with the Registrars' Association as well."
"There are too many to mention them all. We've changed SIDN's senior management structure, which was quite a big step. And we've overseen some major developments in the field of ICT, the implications of which haven't always been pleasant for the staff. But my abiding impression of SIDN is the positive energy that I consistently encounter. The ambition level is high, and we're constantly striving to provide a framework for everyone, within which we can retain our elite performance capability."
"We now have a lot of initiatives running simultaneously. That implies new risks and challenges. Will we get everyone onboard? Will the outside world be able to keep up? Have we correctly identified all the risks? Do we have the right expertise in house? We need to ask ourselves all those questions."
"At the moment, the SB has 2 effective committees concerned with specific fields: the Audit Committee and the Security and Stability Committee. We're also looking for someone to succeed Kees Neggers, someone who really knows the international world in which SIDN operates. Good successors need to be found for Mark Frequin and Jeannine Peek as well. Both of them are stepping down after serving the maximum of 3 terms of 3 years. In the last year, the SB has seen a high turnover of members, so I feel the priority now is stabilisation, expertise development and team-building, rather than change. Now that the Executive Board has taken on its definitive new form, it'll be good to be able to concentrate on realising all the organisation's plans."