Successful business website can deliver five-fold income boost

Extra orders repay time and resources invested in a website

In the Netherlands, the most successful online SMEs generate 5.3 times as much income from their websites as average businesses. While the national norm for website-generated turnover is roughly € 5,000 a year, the top 10 per cent of performers manage € 30,000. Successful businesses identify professional design, regular updates and investment in SEO as the keys to doing well.

Research agency GfK surveyed 1,282 Dutch enterprises for SIDN to generate the findings. Most of the respondents were self-employed professionals, while nearly 20 per cent had two to four employees. A substantial minority of the surveyed businesspeople (39 per cent) have no business website, however. About a third of that group say that a website isn't the best channel for reaching their target audience. And roughly two thirds of the no-website respondents have no plans to set one up.

Multiple channels

A good majority of respondents with business websites use other online channels as well, but 29 per cent rely exclusively on their websites. Social media profiles are used by 61 per cent, while 10 per cent also make use of apps. Amongst respondents without websites, social media is the main alternative channel, with LinkedIn particularly popular. Of the survey participants, 79 per cent are business e-mail users. Some of the country's self-employed professionals and SMEs must therefore have domain names and use them for e-mail, but not for websites. More than half of respondents without business websites do use e-mail for business.


Findability is the reason for having and maintaining a business website named by the largest proportion of respondents (85 per cent). Making a professional impression is also an important motive for four out of five, and a similar proportion use their website as an online calling card or showcase for their expertise. Commenting on the findings, SIDN's Marketing Manager Michiel Henneke said, "For two thirds of people with business websites, the site helps to generate income. The amount of income differs across the group, depending on various factors. For example, businesses in the financial services and ICT sectors do better than most. However, it's clear that investment levels matter too. The businesses that generate most income from their sites are the ones that devote most time to driving up turnover through online promotion. And so are the businesses who describe their websites as successful."

Download the infographic

We made a nice and informative infographic of the main results of the research. Download it here.