SIDN works to boost SMEs' cyber-resilience

Alert Online campaign starts in October

Many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe their businesses are secure and underestimate the risk of being hit by a cyber-attack, according to the National Cybersecurity Awareness Survey 2019. Meanwhile, the number of incidents is rising and evidence is mounting that the economic and image consequences of falling victim to hacking can be very serious. Against that background, we plan to redouble our efforts to reinforce SMEs' cybersecurity knowledge and capabilities throughout European Cybersecurity Month in October. All with the aim of helping to keep the nation safe online.

Many SMEs don't see cyber-resilience as a priority

A survey of 600 SMEs that GfK carried out for us earlier this year found that only 30 per cent are concerned about cybercrime. What's more, four out of five SMEs rely heavily on their IT service providers for cybersecurity. Yet 58 per cent of those service providers reported that their SME customers weren't properly protected…

Knowledge and insight are vital

Because SMEs often lack cybersecurity knowledge and capabilities, they tend to leave everything up to their IT service providers. However, any SME looking to make appropriate arrangements with a service provider is well advised to first make sure that it has basic in-house knowledge and a clear picture of its cybersecurity status.

New podcast: How to Boost Your Business's Cyber-resilience

In October, we're launching a three-part Dutch-language podcast series called Maak jouw bedrijf cyberweerbaar (How to Boost Your Business's Cyber-resilience). The idea is to help SMEs become more resilient by providing practical advice. Hosted by Chris van ’t Hof, the series will explore what SMEs need to know and what they can do to guard against attacks.

  • In episode 1, ethical hacker Rickey Gevers explains how cyber-attacks work and how you can spot them.

  • In episode 2, DACON's Jos Slootstra and SIDN cybersecurity expert Alex van Wijhe describe how cyber-attacks can affect targeted businesses and advise on the best response strategies.

  • Finally, episode 3 features a talk with Gerard de Weerd, entrepreneur and director within the Solimas group, and SIDN cybersecurity expert Daisy Rasing, plus tips for SMEs on avoiding hacks.

Listen to our (Dutch) podcast with:

SIDN and Alert Online

Alert Online is an annual campaign organised as part of the October European Cybersecurity Month. Its aims are to boost online security knowledge and awareness, and to promote cybersecure behaviour. SIDN has a long history of working to make the internet secure and accessible for all. We carry out research, share expertise and develop solutions such as CyberSterk, for example. The internet is developing very quickly, with new things becoming possible all the time. It's therefore really important that quality, security and privacy are assured. So we'll be linking up with a large group of partners once again this year to support Alert Online.