SIDN transfers CyberSterk to Guardian360 for the next phase

A strong basis for further progress

From 1 April 2021, Guardian360 will be taking over from SIDN as CyberSterk operator. Guardian360 has been involved in development of the user-friendly cybersecurity service from the outset. Over the last two years, SIDN has worked closely with Guardian360 and SecureMe2 to launch CyberSterk as a new security solution for SMEs. Now that the proposition's viability and marketability have been demonstrated, SIDN is handing over the baton. Guardian360 is an experienced market player with a strong client portfolio, capable of taking CyberSterk forward and thus promoting security in the SME sector.

Signing the contract between Guardian360 and SIDN
Jan Martijn Broekhof, CEO Guardian360 en Arjan Middelkoop, Commercial Director SIDN

In CyberSterk, SIDN and Guardian360 have created an all-in-one solution that addresses the market demand for a user-friendly tool capable of flagging up vulnerabilities in business networks and websites, and helping to fix them. The service is potentially invaluable, because most SMEs lack the time, know-how and financial resources needed to make sound basic security provisions. SIDN's motivation for developing CyberSterk was not to generate profit, but to deliver a service to the community by helping to make SMEs more cyber-resilient. With the development and introduction phase complete, a strong foundation has been created for realisation of that goal.

CyberSterk is the cybersecurity solution that SMEs are looking for

SIDN launches user-friendly security solution for SMEs

"A couple of years ago, it was apparent to us that SMEs were facing growing cyberthreats," says Arjan Middelkoop, Commercial Director at SIDN. "So, with the help of our partners, we developed CyberSterk to address that situation. We now have a fully functional, general-purpose cybersecurity solution that makes it easy for SMEs to get a clear picture of any vulnerabilities they might have, and helps them to build up their cyber-resilience. The growing numbers of service users and agents selling the service show that there's real demand for what we have created. That demand is bound to increase, because cyber-attacks targeting SMEs grew even faster than forecast last year. We're therefore really pleased that Guardian360, our CyberSterk partner from day one, is now taking up the baton. Guardian360 has the network and distribution capability to accelerate CyberSterk's growth and promote security in the SME sector."

A strong basis for further progress

"Guardian360 has been involved with CyberSterk from the outset, because we believe that Dutch SMEs need user-friendly, affordable solutions," says Guardian360's CEO Jan Martijn Broekhof. "In CyberSterk, SIDN has created not only a service that meets that need, but also a strong label. Along with our technology partner SecureMe2 and distributor TST ICT Distribution, we plan to expand the CyberSterk proposition and bring even greater security to the Netherlands' SME sector."

With Guardian360, CyberSterk is in good hands

When Guardian360 takes over the reins, existing CyberSterk subscribers will be able to go on using the service exactly as before. New customers will be able to subscribe through the many CyberSterk agents in the TST ICT Distribution network. Although SIDN's name will no longer be linked to the cybersecurity service, the organisation will remain actively involved in the promotion of CyberSterk for the coming year. The transfer will also create scope for SIDN to focus on other activities with the potential to contribute to safe and convenient digital living.

The photo of Jan Martijn Broekhof (left) and Arjan Middelkoop (right) was taken in 2019, at the start of the CyberSterk collaboration.