SIDN launches user-friendly security solution for SMEs
CyberSterk from SIDN detects e-security flaws and guides business users to solutions
CyberSterk from SIDN detects e-security flaws and guides business users to solutions
Today, SIDN debuts on the security solution market by launching CyberSterk. The new all-in-one solution addresses the market demand for a user-friendly tool capable of flagging up weaknesses in business networks and websites, and explaining what to do about them. Designed for SMEs, CyberSterk uses clear, everyday language and avoids technical jargon. CyberSterk is available from today through SIDN's agency network.
According to the National Cybersecurity Awareness Survey 2019, 'large SMEs' (between ten and two hundred personnel) are particularly likely to be hit by electronic crime, such as malware, DDoS attacks and phishing. Firms in that size bracket are also most likely to worry about digital security. "Fortunately, because of all the media coverage of cybercrime, awareness in the business community is growing," says SIDN's Commercial Director Arjan Middelkoop. "Yet relatively few SMEs actually take action to protect themselves. The trouble is that many existing security solutions don't suit SMEs. They're too expensive or require too much technical know-how for firms without IT departments and cybersecurity expertise. That's why we've developed CyberSterk, a solution for organisations with up to about two hundred workers. We see CyberSterk as a contribution to safe and convenient digital commerce."
CyberSterk is a comprehensive package with three key elements. First, each subscriber gets a physical 'CyberSterk Box' that monitors the local network for abnormal internet traffic and attacks. Second, there's a scanning system to pick up website security flaws. And, finally, CyberSterk subscribers get help resolving the flagged issues. "As a CyberSterk subscriber, you have a user-friendly dashboard where the results of the network monitoring and website scans are presented," Middelkoop explains. "Vulnerabilities are highlighted and the user is alerted to any acute threats. Subscribers can also run phishing simulations, where a test message is mailed to staff. In other words, we test client companies' resilience from both the inside and the outside. We flag up weaknesses and raise the alarm if any immediate threats are detected. When there's an issue, the subscriber gets a clearly written notification via a simple app. But we don't just tell people that something's wrong: we also tell them how to fix it. Finally, if you've come up against an issue that you and your IT partner can't resolve, you can call our support team for advice and follow-up."
CyberSterk is an SIDN initiative, developed in partnership with SIDN Business B.V., Guardian360 and SecureMe2. "We've been working on CyberSterk over the last year, with the help of our partners," says Middelkoop. "We've also had support from the Forty consultancy. The package will be marketed through agents, and the first two – BusinessConnect and DigiState – are ready and eager to get started. Refinement of CyberSterk will continue, drawing on feedback from our early subscribers, so that the service is perfectly tailored to the needs of the market. And, as the initiative gathers momentum, there will of course be scope for more agents to come on board. CyberSterk will therefore enable us to reduce the harm that cybercrime causes to the business community and the risk to ordinary internet users."
SIDN and partners celebrate signing the CyberSterk collaboration agreement.