SIDN contribution to Statistics Netherlands report 'ICT, knowledge and economics 2015'

Statistics Netherlands has published a report entitled 'ICT, knowledge and economics 2015', complete with a contribution from SIDN: 'Mobile internet use in the Netherlands: apps and websites'. The piece, which forms subsection 9.2 of the report, has been written by Michiel Henneke, SIDN's Marketing Manager.

About 'ICT, knowledge and economics 2015'

The Statistics Netherlands report contains the latest facts and figures about the Dutch knowledge economy, complete with supporting graphics. Topics covered include:

  • How businesses and private individuals use ICT resources

  • Innovation and knowledge creation through R&D in the business community

  • The availability of knowledge professionals in the education sector

  • The economic significance of the ICT industry

  • The telecoms infrastructure in the Netherlands

Download the report (in Dutch)

Download the Statistics Netherlands report ‘ICT, knowledge and economics 2015’.