SIDN BrandGuard update Q3 2024

Frontend is getting an important update, and 2FA is coming soon

Our Secure Domains team is constantly working on improvements for SIDN BrandGuard users. The latest product of their efforts is a major update to the system's frontend, which will be rolled out very shortly. The main benefits will be important but largely invisible technical improvements, such as big fixes and solutions to problems with certain browsers. Testing of the update is currently nearing completion.

Whitelist-based access control is ending

A number of BrandGuard subscribers have told us that they'd like an alternative to the existing system of access control based on IP whitelisting. So we're going over to a 2-factor authentication (2FA) system, which will mean that subscribers don't need to have their IP addresses added to a whitelist in order to access the service.

2FA is coming soon

When 2FA comes in, subscribers will be able to secure their accounts using apps such as Google Authenticator of Microsoft Authenticator. Secure access to SIDN BrandGuard will then be possible from any location, improving both convenience and security.

Are you an SIDN BrandGuard user with a question about the changes described here? You can reach us on working days between 8:30am and 5pm (Dutch time) by calling +31 26 352 5555 or mailing