SIDN Annual Report 2022: Working stage front and behind the scenes for a stable .nl and opportunity-rich digital living

Our annual report for 2022 is now available

At SIDN, we take our responsibility for a stable and secure .nl domain very seriously. Allied with our conviction that a free, open, accessible, diverse and secure internet contributes to a better world for everyone, that sense of responsibility underpins all that we do. Some of our activities are nevertheless more conspicuous than others. A comprehensive picture of our year's work is therefore presented in our Annual Report for 2022.

Highlights of 2022

The PDF-format report tells the full story of the year at SIDN. If you prefer a briefer summary, check out our 2022 timeline. It's a concise résumé of all the year's key events, including the publication of 'The State of .nl', the addition of logo detection functionality to SIDN BrandGuard, and the renewal of our covenant with the Dutch government's economics ministry. It's well worth a look.

> To the Annual Report website

It's impact that matters

In line with our mission and vision, we target impact in 3 fields: economic growth, internet security and stability, and digital inclusion. We continued investing time, money and energy to maximise our impact in those fields last year. The direct impact of our work for the .nl domain was backed up by indirect impact achieved through SIDN Labs' research work, SIDN Fund's support for valuable initiatives, our development of new services, and our involvement in and support for numerous organisations helping to make the internet better. Everything we achieved is celebrated on our dedicated impact website.

> Go to the website