SIDN Annual Report 2020: Rapid growth in .nl registrations

Our annual report for 2020 is now available

We're pleased to present our annual report for 2020. The report looks back on an exceptional year, in which society's dependence on the internet grew even stronger. The internet enabled many people to continue working from home and kept large parts of our economy and society running. And, while things were generally hard for the business community, some entrepreneurs saw – and took – new opportunities. As a result, we reached the milestone of six million registered .nl domain names much sooner than expected. Commercially speaking, therefore, 2020 was a very good year for SIDN. See the report for full details.

Highlights of 2020

We've selected the highlights of last year and presented them in a timeline, giving an easy overview of key events. For the full backstory, please download the complete annual report from the website. Our financial statement is of course included in the report.

> See the timeline

For confidence online

In line with our mission and vision, we target impact in three fields: economic growth, internet security and stability, and digital inclusion. We continued working hard to maximise our impact in those fields last year. And we've got a special website celebrating everything that was achieved.

> Go to the website