SIDN Annual Report 2018: vigorously pursuing our mission

Read our online annual report

We have today published our annual report for 2018. Throughout the year, we continued to vigorously pursue our mission: connecting people and organisations to promote safe and convenient digital living. The theme that linked all the year's activities was further increasing added value for the Netherlands: our impact on the nation's economy and society. Our contribution took various forms in 2018, which are described in our annual report. 

Input from our stakeholders 

As well as all the information you would expect to find in an annual report, this year's publication includes contributions from various stakeholders. They describe their involvement with SIDN and the importance of our work for the community. Aiko Pras from the University of Twente talks about collaboration with SIDN Labs in the field of 'future internets', for example. And our System Manager Coen van Loon recalls what it was like becoming SIDN's hundredth employee. Go to the annual report

Your world. Our impact. 

Back in 2017, on the basis of our mission and vision, we identified three fields where we can and should have an impact: economic growth, internet security and stability, and digital inclusion. We continued working hard to maximise our impact in those fields last year. And there's now a special website celebrating everything that was achieved. Go to the website

SIDN Fund 

SIDN Fund was set up in 2014 to help us increase the added value that we deliver. Through the Fund, we seek to play our part in reinforcing the internet's value to the community and the economy. Details of the results achieved are given in the Fund's own annual report (in Dutch only).   Go to the SIDN Fund annual report