SIDN and RA agree a new form of cooperation
Effective coordination the focal point of new agreement
Effective coordination the focal point of new agreement
Registrars' Association Chair Martijn Kamphuis and SIDN CEO Roelof Meijer recently signed a revised and updated cooperation agreement. The new agreement came into effect on 1 January 2021 and runs for a year.
For several years, SIDN and the Registrars' Association (RA) have been working closely together to build a successful and secure .nl domain. Collaboration between SIDN and the RA's Board and committees has led to extension of the Registrar Scorecard, introduction of the SIDN Academy to provide online and offline training for registrars, creation of projects such as the Hosting Infrascan, the Privacy Portal and the Legal Help Desk, promotion of internet service use in the startup sector with campaigns such as '', and rollout of various new technologies and approaches.
Over the last few months, SIDN and the RA have been evaluating their partnership. Notwithstanding differences on certain points, both take the view that collaboration between the two organisations has been highly advantageous in the context of various .nl-related topics. It has therefore been decided that cooperation should continue, albeit in a revised form. That desire is reflected in a new agreement that seeks to ensure continued collaboration and effective coordination between SIDN and the .nl registrars in connection with SIDN's registry activities, while respecting each party's independence.
Under the cooperation agreement, the RA can give solicited and unsolicited advice with a view to realising optimal performance of the system for issuing and managing .nl domain names. In order to assure the quality and continuity of the RA's advice, SIDN will provide the RA with financial support. The money will be used to compensate RA Board and committee members for their time input, and to enable the RA to effectively represent the views of its members, the registrars.
"The last year has emphasised the importance of the digital infrastructure, including the .nl domain, for the Dutch economy and Dutch society," said SIDN CEO Roelof Meijer. "Good cooperation and years of investment in .nl have resulted in a robust and successful domain that was comfortably able to cope with all the recent turbulence. With six million-plus registered domain names, .nl also remains one of the biggest country-code domains in the world. SIDN and the .nl registrars can justifiably take pride in what has been achieved. Although we haven't seen eye-to-eye on everything recently, I'm hopeful that the new agreement provides a sound basis for continuing to work together on a secure, stable and future-proof .nl domain."
"I completely agree with Roelof on the importance of a robust, trustworthy and accessible .nl domain for everyone in the chain," said RA Chair Martijn Kamphuis. "Any business that wasn't already online has had to embrace the internet since the pandemic hit, and the first step towards getting online is registering a .nl domain name. It's therefore vital that the RA continues to represent all .nl registrars and convey their views to SIDN. Our relationship did run into some difficulties last year, but I'm pleased that both sides recognise that it would be a mistake to let those difficulties result in loss of the many benefits that cooperation has for our members. The revised cooperation agreement gives the RA more independence and autonomy. It also sharpens the focus of our collaboration on the quality of .nl, because that's where we see the greatest potential for advancing the interests of our members. In short, I regard the new agreement as a big step forwards."
SIDN's constitution states that registrars are entitled to give SIDN solicited and unsolicited advice through a representative body. The RA was set up in 2011 to fulfil that role by representing the broad interests of .nl registrars. For more information, visit
From left to right: Roelof Meijer (CEO of SIDN). Arjan Middelkoop (Commercial Director SIDN), Pim Effting (Treasurer VvR) and Martijn Kamphuis (Chair RA).