Save the date: SIDN Inspire 25 May 2023

An inspiring and informative physical event

Chris van 't Hof (left) and Roelof Meijer (right) on the podium at SIDN Inspire.

Last year, we held the first hybrid edition of SIDN Inspire. The event will return in 2023, but as an entirely physical gathering. Utrecht's Media Plaza is once again the chosen venue.

SIDN Inspire 2023

Next year's SIDN Inspire will involve a full afternoon of activities, including 2 keynote presentations and a round of in-depth sub-sessions. The programme concludes with ample opportunity for networking over a drink. The venue can accommodate up to 200 guests.

First keynote speaker confirmed

We're pleased to announce that we already have one fascinating keynote presentation arranged. Bellingcat trainer and researcher Annique Mossou will give us a guided tour of the world of citizen investigative journalism. The Bellingcat network uses open-source intelligence (OSINT) to fact-check the reporting of international conflicts. That involves systematic analysis of online sources, such as social media and open data.

Full details of the programme for SIDN Inspire 2023 will be made available soon.

Save the date

In the meantime, be sure to keep Thursday 25 May 2023 free and watch our communication channels for updates.