Outlook is bright for .nl
Strong performance in 2022; business community positive about 2023
Strong performance in 2022; business community positive about 2023
At the end of 2022, there were 6,299,000 .nl domain names: 68,000 or 1.07 per cent more than twelve months earlier. Although not quite as high as in the COVID years of 2020 and 2021, net growth was in step with the pre-pandemic trend. Encouragingly, the average lifespan of a domain name continues to grow, further reinforcing the foundations of the .nl zone. What's more, businesses represented on the SIDN Panel are generally positive about the prospects for 2023.
At the end of 2022, there were 6,299,000 .nl domain names: 68,000 or 1.07 per cent more than twelve months earlier. Although not quite as high as in the COVID years of 2020 and 2021, net growth was in step with the pre-pandemic trend. Encouragingly, the average lifespan of a domain name continues to grow, further reinforcing the foundations of the .nl zone. What's more, businesses represented on the SIDN Panel are generally positive about the prospects for 2023.
Last month, we asked 100 business members of the SIDN Panel how they expected online commerce to develop in 2023. Although the general economic outlook is not particularly good, most respondents were upbeat: 34 per cent see online turnover growing in 2023. Only 7 per cent anticipated a decline. Respondents' confidence was based mainly on anticipated returns on investments their firms have made over the last 2 years in new websites, software and improved online findability. The less positive responses came from sectors hampered by labour shortages.
"We think our new website will help to drive growth. However, website visitors expect prompt service. So recruiting extra personnel is vital." Service sector respondent
A clear upward trend in cybersecurity investment is also apparent. As in 2021, the money that businesses invested in their websites went mainly on improved findability and design. However, cybersecurity is now right behind those priorities. Of our business panellists, 37 per cent say they want to invest in cybersecurity next year. Last year, the percentage with similar plans was too small to be significant.
Although positive about online business prospects, our panellists are wary of the dark clouds looming over the economy. Asked what they saw as the main hazards ahead, 42 per cent mentioned inflation as a serious or very serious threat. Recession, energy prices and staff shortages were also flagged up, but not as often. Most business respondents don't expect those challenges to influence their online investments, however. On the contrary, 34 per cent think that, if the economic climate worsens, they're likely to invest more in internet activities. In relative terms, online commerce is increasingly attractive. In one business respondent's own words:
"The online world is increasingly attractive to all businesses. Online, everything's open 24/7, and we're not dependent on a single customer group. Having a national profile will be increasingly important." A business member of the SIDN Panel
If you've got any questions about the survey results, please contact our .nl Domain Marketing Manager, Michiel Henneke. The historical development of the .nl domain can be found at stats.sidnlabs.nl. I