Our new online learning platform, the SIDN Academy
Free for .nl registrars
Free for .nl registrars
Today, the SIDN Academy goes on line. We've created a learning platform where online and offline methods are integrated to give stakeholders the chance to independently boost their expertise on a range of technical subjects. The platform's first e-learning module, devoted to e-mail standards, is now available. Later this year, we'll be adding modules on the DNS, DNSSEC and IPv6. The SIDN Academy is a joint initiative by SIDN and the Registrars' Association (RA).
We want to make digital living easier and safer for everyone. A secure and stable internet is vital to that goal. Which is why it's important that robust modern internet standards are used. We're therefore committed to promoting the adoption of such standards by sharing our knowledge. Over the last couple of years, we've organised two successful offline SIDN Academy sessions. The face-to-face training days were well attended and well received. Unfortunately, though, we don't have much scope for scaling up those activities. So we decided to build an online learning platform. Going online has three big plusses:
Increased reach and therefore increased impact
Users can study when and where they like
The content can easily be updated any time and the updates brought to users' attention
The SIDN Academy is a joint initiative by SIDN and the Registrars' Association.
Registrars' Association Chair Martijn Kamphuis welcomed the initiative, saying, "Our members often highlight the importance of knowledge-sharing. After all, there's no formal programme for training to be a registrar. And naturally both the RA and SIDN want to keep promoting the quality, security and continuity of the .nl zone. So it's great that people working for registrars will have access to the latest know-how. The two offline SIDN Academy sessions were a big success. The aim now is to build on that by creating an online learning platform." SIDN's Chief Executive Roelof Meijer adds, "Here at SIDN, we're always looking for ways to make the .nl zone even more stable and secure. But we often hear that not all companies have the know-how they need to improve things. So this platform has been set up to make vital expertise available to everyone and bring down barriers to progress."
E-mail is one of the world's most popular mediums of communication. In recent years, we've seen increasing adoption of key security standards in the .nl zone, including StartTLS, DKIM and DMARC. That's welcome news, because the standards make communication more reliable and secure. However, there's still scope for improvement. One factor hampering progress is that it isn't easy to implement the standards properly, so that they do actually increase security. We've therefore created an online learning programme that explains everything you need to know about implementing e-mail security standards. After completing the module, you'll be all set to get to work on your own set-up.
For now, the SIDN Academy is open exclusively to .nl registrars. Two user licences are available for each registrar account, free of charge. If you'd like to make use of your licenses, please drop a line to support@sidn.nl. In due course, however, we plan to enable affordable, fee-based public access. The income generated will all be re-invested in the further development of learning modules.
As a new initiative, the SIDN Academy is under continuous development. Can you suggest a subject the Academy should teach? Got any other bright ideas? Drop a line to communicatie@sidn.nl.