.nl in the spotlight: ragecar.nl

"Your website is like your business's calling card."

Confidence amongst the many businesspeople within the online community has enabled .nl to become the biggest internet domain in the Netherlands, recently passing the milestone of six million registered domain names. And, behind every business registration, there's a story. A story about how the venture started and what the business is doing to build an online presence. We're celebrating reaching six million by telling some of those stories. This week it's the story of Michael Geels and ragecar.nl, a recreational attraction in Zwolle, where visitors get the chance to totally destroy a car. Since Michael teamed up with a local scrapyard owner, the business has been picking up speed. The website went live in August and bookings are now coming in.

.nl now has 6 million registered domain names

How did you come up with the idea for RAGECAR?

"A while back, I took part in a car-breaking session at another venue. And that immediately made me think that I should set up something similar in Zwolle," recalls Michael. "So I did some research to find out what would be involved and I approached the owner of a scrapyard in the city. He liked the idea straight away and was keen for us to set something up together. He provides the cars and the space, and I arrange everything else."

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So... I like the sound of RAGECAR and I make a booking... then what?

"You can book a RAGECAR session by visiting ragecar.nl or by phone. Typically for yourself and your friends, relatives or workmates. Each group gets its own car to wreck, which is always in good condition at the start. Before we let them loose, we give them safety advice, so that it's only the car that gets wrecked. They're all given protective clothing, such as coloured overalls, safety glasses and safety gloves. And obviously they get the tools they need to completely destroy the car. Then we set up the car for them and let them get to work. They get an hour to do whatever: spray the car with graffiti, smash the windows, wreck the bodywork, destroy the bumpers... you name it. After an hour, everyone's normally done in, because the activity is pretty full on. So then it's time for a drink."

Why opt for a .nl domain name?

"For us, a .nl domain name was the obvious choice, because our target audience is primarily local. It's mainly people from Zwolle and the surrounding area who're going to be interested in RAGECAR. As I see it, you can't get anywhere nowadays without an internet presence. And, if you're in the Netherlands and you want to be found online, a .nl domain name is a must. Your website is your calling card and usually the first point of contact for potential customers. I liked the name RAGECAR, because it's strong and direct. It sums up our concept really well."

Read more below the photo.

What about website design and hosting?

"I wanted to keep the website as simple and accessible as possible. I designed and bult it myself using the WordPress open-source software. It's hosted by Versio. The design is based on a premium WordPress template, and I also bought a plugin so that the bookings can be handled online through Woocommerce. There's a tool on the site's homepage enabling visitors to easily fix a date for their session there and then. People can also read the safety rules and the COVID-19 precautions before their session." "The website is already paying off," says Michael. "A team from the local information service indebuurt.nl will be visiting RAGECAR soon to make a video about us. The plan is to put an article about RAGECAR on the indebuurt website. We've had the first bookings via the website too."

What do you ultimately want to achieve with RAGECAR?

"My ultimate goal? To build RAGECAR into something really big and get lots of bookings, enough that we need to open up during the week. At the moment we're only open on Fridays and Saturdays. At some stage I might also extend the activities with special rooms where people can trash an interior. I've already decided what I'll call them: RAGEROOMS." "In the short term, the aim is to get the RAGECAR name better known. With that in mind, I want to make sure we're easily findable online and share content via the website, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. RAGECAR is the way to work off your aggression, but what I really want is for RAGECAR to provide people with a really enjoyable, active experience. I want people who come here to have fun smashing up a car and just hanging out together."

Any advice for other people going into business?

"If you've got an idea that you really believe in, just go for it! Don't wait until you've perfected every aspect of your concept. Get the ball rolling! You learn most by doing. So get started and see where it takes you."