NL Digitaal: fifty key features of the digital world explained in a book

Although young people use smartphones and social media all the time, they don't usually care too much about how those things work, or how they influence society. Yet information and communication technology plays a vital role in every modern business and study programme. So it's good to know at least something about ICT, if only to improve your job prospects.

Bestel het boek NL Digitaal

NL Digitaal: About big data, cybercrime and virtual reality

NL Digitaal aims to tell young people about the importance of ICT, but in an entertaining way. We have brought to life fifty key features of the digital world, from broadband to electronic payments and from info stress to internet telephony. Written in a light, jargon-free style, the explanations are relevant to young readers' day-to-day experiences.

Fascinating facts!

NL Digitaal is packed with fascinating facts and figures. For example:

  • That 75 per cent of young people start the day by checking WhatsApp, while 75 per cent of older people start by checking their e-mail

  • How encryption, blockchains, page rankings, TOR and bit torrents work

  • That the internet has a Hall of Fame with a number of Dutch people in it

  • How to secure your PC and smartphone (and why lots of people don't bother)

  • That one in six girls aged between fifteen and eighteen gets bullied on line, and what you can do to stop it

  • How you can use maths to find true love on line

  • That the first chess computer was really a dwarf in a costume

  • How you can order more washing powder by pressing a button next to your washing machine

  • How a Dutch man tricked the whole world with a video that showed him flying like a bird with home-made wings

SIDN en NL Digitaal

SIDN helped to fund the development of NL Digitaal, along with the Amsterdam Internet Exchange, the Dutch CIO Platform, ECP Platform for the Information Society, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands ICT and NLcable. SIDN's CEO Roelof Meijer sat on the project's advisory committee. Publication of the book is the first step in a long-term programme whose ultimate aim is to develop an on-line platform and learning line for use in the first phase of secondary education.

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Price: € 19,95 untill 1 January 2017, after that date € 24,95  ISBN 978 90 5956 719 1