New version of SPIN available for CPE developers

Open-source building block for securing smart homes

The new beta version of SPIN is now available for developers of Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE). SPIN is short for Security and Privacy for In-home Networks. It's an open-source building block that suppliers of routers, modems and other CPE devices can use to protect their customers' smart homes against abuse. Full details of SPIN are available on the new website UPDATE 2022:

User benefits

Github - SPIN Documenten SPIN (technisch)

For the user, SPIN offers:

  • Details of the sites (services) that their smart home devices are communicating with

  • Easy management of device communications with user-friendly permission controls

  • Reassurance that in-home equipment can't easily be hijacked for DDoS attacks and other forms of abuse

  • Increased internet stability achieved by temporarily blocking devices involved in DDoS attacks

Wanted: developers for co-creation 

SIDN wants to continue refining SPIN in partnership with the developer community. We're therefore looking for CPE developers interested in contributing to internet security by becoming SPIN co-creators. If the idea appeals, Ad Bresser would love to hear from you. Links to SPIN's open-source code and documentation are provided on There's a SPIN API, and the activity detected by SPIN can also be visualised using a GUI for end users.

Towards a full-featured product

SPIN has been developed over the last two years by SIDN's research team, SIDN Labs. Our ambition for SPIN is to proactively protect the DNS and the internet against attacks, while also enhancing users' IoT-related security and privacy. To realise that ambition, we want to make SPIN a full-featured product suitable for use in home networks around the world. SIDN offers SPIN on an open-source basis, because we believe that's the best way to boost the security of fixed broadband connections worldwide.

Want to know more about SPIN?

Visit the SPIN software page for extensive information about downloading and using the SPIN software. The source code itself is available from GitHub. Developers are warmly invited to get involved in SPIN's further development. If you're interested, let us know via the SPIN co-creation page. UPDATE:


We'd love to hear from developers and other CPE stakeholders interested in helping to make home networks and home IoT devices more secure. Drop a line to Ad Bresser at