Last year, Dutch people spent roughly 13.7 billion euros on line. That is about 17 per cent of all consumer spending in the Netherlands, and nearly 30 per cent up on the year before. Within the overall increase in the volume of on-line spending, the share of purchases made using a smartphone or tablet went up sharply, to more than a third. And the importance of e-commerce is bound to grow further. The internet serves as a platform for an endless variety of shopping formulas, according to Professor Cor Molenaar in an interview for this edition of The.nlyst.
Furthermore, you can read about the on-line strategy of and why hosting for e-commerce websites is a specialty. Lawyer Franc Enghardt and XS4ALL’s Niels Huijbregts debate the rights and wrongs of asking ISPs to block websites involved in brand abuse. And we update you about the latest developments concerning our Domain Name Surveillance Service. You read it all in the new The.nlyst.
The.nlyst is SIDN's quarterly magazine for everyone with a professional or personal interest in the .nl domain and the internet. It is distributed free of charge to SIDN's registrars and other stakeholders. Each edition is also made available in digital form on this website. If you would prefer to receive printed copies of the magazine by post, please e-mail your name, address and profession to We will then add you to the mailing list for future editions.