New IPv6 courses available online

Upgrade your knowledge about IPv6 and make the switch

Portrait of a young man using his laptop

Over the summer, VNG Realisatie, the IT agency for municipal authorities in the Netherlands, organised a series of six webinars about IPv6. The webinars were prompted by a new Joint Ambition Statement from the Pan-governmental Digital Government Policy Liaison Forum (OBDO). The ambition is now for all government bodies to implement IPv6 alongside IPv4 no later than the end of 2021.

The webinars looked at the practicalities of implementing IPv6, including project-related aspects, such as scheduling, resources and lead times. All the webinars are still available to watch on VNG Realisatie's YouTube channel. There's also an interview with Ed Martens about IPv6 implementation in the city of Zaanstad.

RIPE Remote Learning Course

RIPE NCC members additionally have access to an IPv6 Remote Learning Course that started recently. The second session is scheduled for 8 September. Last week also saw the start of another interesting RIPE NCC initiative: an 'IPv6 Security' series. The date of the next session hasn't yet been announced.