Mandatory reporting of data breaches

From 1 January 2016, organisations and companies are required to report serious data breaches to the Personal Data Authority.

Meldpunt datalekken

What is a data breach?

We speak of a data breach when there is a breach of personal data security (Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Act).

A data breach involves personal data at an organisation being accessed, released, destroyed or altered unintentionally or unlawfully. For example, through a stolen or lost laptop containing personal data or a hack into an organisation's data files.

How do I determine whether a data breach needs to be reported?

The Personal Data Authority has drawn up policy rules (PDF) on the data breach notification obligation. These policy rules are intended to help you determine whether there is a data breach that needs to be reported to the Personal Data Authority and possibly to the data subjects.

Where do I report a data breach?

If there is a data breach, you report it to the Authority for Personal Data through the data breach hotline.

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