Listen to our podcast series: How to Boost Your Business's Cyber-resilience
Podcasts are packed with practical tips for SMEs
Podcasts are packed with practical tips for SMEs
Many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe their businesses are secure and underestimate the risk of being hit by a cyber-attack, according to the National Cybersecurity Awareness Survey 2020. Meanwhile, the number of incidents is rising and evidence is mounting that the economic and image consequences of falling victim to hacking can be very serious. In other words, cybersecurity really matters. But where do you begin?
If you run a small business, you probably don't have cybersecurity expert on your payroll. And there are bound to be a thousand and one other things demanding your attention. So it's very tempting to leave your cybersecurity to your IT service provider. But beware: 58 per cent of the IT service providers involved in our recent survey reported that their SME customers weren't properly protected. It therefore makes sense to ensure you understand the basics yourself and have a good picture of your business's cybersecurity status. What should we be looking out for, and what arrangements should you make with your IT partner?
We've recently produced a Dutch-language podcast series entitled Maak jouw bedrijf cyberweerbaar ('How to Boost Your Business's Cyber-resilience'). Hosted by Chris van 't Hof, the series explores what SMEs need to know and what they can do to guard against attacks. Every episode is packed with practical advice.
In episode 1, ethical hacker Rickey Gevers explains how cyber-attacks work and how you can spot them.
In episode 2, DACON ICT's Jos Slootstra and SIDN cybersecurity expert Alex van Wijhe describe how cyber-attacks can affect targeted businesses and advise on the best response strategies.
Finally, episode 3 features a talk with entrepreneur and Solimas Group's CEO Gerard de Weerd and SIDN cybersecurity expert Daisy Rasing, plus tips for SMEs on avoiding hacks.