The new corporate governance code emphasises the importance of long-term value creation. But how do you quantify an organisation's value creation? Value is ambiguous. Non-profit organisations strive to make a difference, but to what extent do their activities actually support their stated goals? How can they measure the impact of their work?
Delivering added value
For quite some years, we've been trying to do more than merely administer the .nl zone. We initiate, promote and support a wide variety of community activities, we develop valuable knowledge and insight, and we make additional services available to our registrars and registrants. Our aim is to deliver added value in three fields: digital identity, digital usability and digital security. The most eye-catching manifestation of that strategy in 2017 was the acquisition of Connectis.
Impact in three fields
Our activities are not chosen arbitrarily. We have a mission: connecting people and organisations to promote safe and convenient digital living. That mission is based on the conviction that a free, open, accessible and secure internet contributes to a better world for everyone. In line with that mission and vision, we've identified three fields where we can and should have an impact: economic growth, internet security and stability, and digital inclusion.
Economic growth
In terms of economic growth, our impact derives mainly from the benefit that our services bring to businesses and their customers. We ensure that .nl domain names can be reached by internet users everywhere, and that they are quick and easy to register, competitively priced, reliable and stable. Meanwhile, SIDN Labs undertakes research that contributes to innovation and reinforces the status of the Netherlands. And Connectis provides log-in solutions for convenient, secure and reliable on-line business. We also promote economic growth indirectly through SIDN Fund. The Fund gives a helping hand to community start-ups and makes it easier for innovators to bring new ideas on line.
Internet security and stability
Our contribution to the security and stability of the internet takes many forms. First, there is all the work that we do to make .nl one of the securest country-code domains in the world. And our direct involvement in fighting abuse. We also encourage the adoption of internet standards, such as DNSSEC, IPv6, DKIM, DMARK, and SPF, especially with the Registrar Scorecard, our incentive scheme for registrars. Then we are active in global forums concerned with internet technology, governance and security. And we share our knowledge, disseminate information and support applied research. Finally, we develop new products and services, such as a smart solution for securing IoT devices.
Digital inclusion
Digital inclusion is closely linked to building an internet that is open to all. A free and accessible internet where everyone has the same opportunities. Therefore, with inclusion in mind, we support initiatives that promote digital literacy. Support is provided directly and through SIDN Fund.
We occupy a unique position
SIDN is not a commercial enterprise. We are professional and businesslike, but with a view to maximising the value we create for the community and the economy. We occupy a unique position: we have a responsibility to all Dutch internet users, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We therefore believe that we have an obligation to our stakeholders to monitor the contribution that our activities make to our stated aims. To find out whether we actually have our desired impact.
Measuring our impact
In 2017, we clarified how we intend to achieve our desired impact in each target field. That resulted in a detailed Impact Map, which we shared with various stakeholders for comment. Starting in 2018, we will be measuring our impact, to see whether it matches our ambitions. The findings will guide future decision-making on the allocation of time, effort and resources. Any activity that doesn't contribute to economic growth, the security and stability of the internet, or digital inclusion will be recalibrated or ended. Conversely, activities that have substantial impact will be prioritised.
It's all about what we actually achieve
This annual report presents a picture of our operations in 2017. We believe that, through our work, we make an important contribution to the success of the internet in the Netherlands. And many people agree. However, belief is not enough. It's important that we can demonstrate the effect we have, and that we are willing and able to change if the effect isn't what we want. At the end of the day, it's all about what we actually achieve. It's impact that matters. And we don't intend to lose sight of that.