's Internet Innovation Award for 2019 has been won by the IRMA identity platform. IRMA -- an acronym for 'I Reveal My Attributes' -- protects your privacy by disclosing only as much info about you as strictly necessary. The platform is an initiative from the Privacy by Design Foundation, our strategic partner since December 2018. Under the partnership arrangement, we're responsible for IRMA's technical infrastructure and market development.
Highly respected jury
Why would you share more data than you need to?
ISOC's annual Innovation Award is presented at the society's New Year meeting. A five-strong jury selects the winner from a number of nominations. This year's jury members were:
Dorien Zandbergen (University of Amsterdam)
Eppo van Nispen tot Sevenaer (CEO of Beeld & Geluid)
Frank Kresin (Director of Design Lab UTwente)
Joost Sneller (member of the Dutch parliament)
Roxane van Iperen (Vice-chair of SIDN Fund's Advisory Panel)
IRMA stands out
Each nominated project was assessed on five criteria: innovation, impact, potential, readiness and licence. The jury chose IRMA because of its decentralised set-up and obvious contribution to improved internet use. It was also seen as a well-developed, market-ready proposition. The project's clear and creative name was a hit as well.

SIDN involved with five nominations
SIDN also has links to several of the other initiatives recognised by ISOC. For example, the OpenINTEL project, which received the runner's up award, is run by a consortium consisting of the University of Twente, SURFnet, NLnet Labs and SIDN labs. And the nominees included SIDN Labs' own SPIN project, plus two SIDN Fund-supported projects: Make Media Great Again and My Data Done Right. It's good to know that the work we do to make the internet in the Netherlands more secure, trustworthy and user-friendly is appreciated by the internet community.
Want to know more?
For more info about IRMA, visit the Privacy By Design Foundation's website.
For details of the partnership between the Privacy By Design Foundation and SIDN, read our news article.