Internet time articles on NEMO Kennislink

Project gets expert input from SIDN Labs and financial support from SIDN Fund

An analog clock in a digital environment.

Computer clocks have to be synchronised every so often. Without synchronisation, all sorts of things can go amiss: backups can fail, traffic lights can change at the wrong time, payment systems can freeze, and power grids can go down. Smartphones, laptops, ATMs and large industrial computers that need to synchronise processes running on multiple computer systems therefore get time checks from 'time servers': computers on the internet that say what the time is when asked. A set of 3 articles (in Dutch) about internet time has recently been published on NEMO Kennislink. Written with expert input from SIDN Labs, the articles explain what internet time is, why ultra-accurate internet time is so important, and what could happen if hackers were to interfere with the system.

We Are The Web

The new articles form part of NEMO Kennislink's We Are The Web theme, which introduces readers to the wonders of the internet. We Are The Web uses accessible language to explain the role of the internet in modern society. NEMO Kennislink produces material for the theme in collaboration with SIDN Fund and COMMIT/. For background information, see our earlier interview with Robert Visscher, Senior Editor at NEMO Kennislink.