Input and feedback on SIDN's strategy
New strategy consultation group helps us maximise our impact
New strategy consultation group helps us maximise our impact
I have written before about the unique position that SIDN holds and the responsibility we consequently have towards all Dutch internet users. We believe that we have an obligation to our stakeholders to monitor whether our activities really are contributing to our mission of promoting problem-free, opportunity-rich digital living for all. But what can we do to ensure that we keep increasing our positive impact? One way is to invite representatives from across the Dutch internet community to get involved in shaping our plans through a strategy consultation group.
Maintaining the register of .nl domain names and making sure that registered names are always reachable is our most important role. A role that we take very seriously. But we do other things as well. We also initiate, promote and support a wide variety of internet-related community activities, develop valuable knowledge of and insight into relevant topics, and make additional services available to our registrars and registrants.
All our activities are described in our 3-year strategic plan, which forms the starting point for defining each year's annual plan and budget. Our strategy is also reviewed annually, and, if necessary, adjusted in line with internal and external developments. Then, every third year, we conduct a thorough strategy review. All with the ultimate goal of maximising our added value to the Dutch internet community.
Until recently, we regularly discussed our strategy with the Registrars' Association (RA), an important stakeholder group for the .nl domain. We also discussed particular elements of our strategy with relevant individual stakeholders. In the past, however, there wasn't a mechanism for discussing our strategy in the round with a wide cross-section of stakeholders.
Late last year, therefore, we set up a strategy consultation group. Its purpose is to obtain feedback on our strategy and to build additional support. Of course, it's nice when all stakeholders take a similar view, but the aim isn't always to achieve consensus. Rather, we want to deepen our understanding of the diversity of interests that exists, and to make that diversity apparent to and discussable for all stakeholders. And we want to acquire input that will enable us to develop the best possible strategy, taking account of everyone's wishes.
For the strategy consultation group to perform the role described above, it's vital that its members are drawn from right across the Dutch internet community. The group is therefore large and diverse, with representatives of government departments, universities, internet service providers, campaign organisations, NGOs and others. Its meetings are chaired by an independent chair: Haroon Sheikh, a Professor at VU Amsterdam who also works at the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR).
At the first meeting towards the end of 2022, the main topic of discussion was SIDN's contribution to internet security. While the strategy consultation group's members recognise and value the contribution we already make, it was felt that we could sometimes be even more active in that field. They suggested, for example, that we could use the expertise gained from our independent internet measurement activities to advise the government. The group met for the second time in May, when the opportunities afforded by the internet were at the centre of proceedings. The themes that SIDN should concentrate on, and the ways that we can maximise our positive influence were explored. The discussion provided valuable input, which we can use when considering whether an activity is something we should take on. Group members felt that the emphasis should be on activities that might otherwise be neglected, and which were directly or indirectly relevant to the Dutch internet community as a whole.