How to produce a Cyber Incident Response Plan
A step-by-step guide for SMEs
A step-by-step guide for SMEs
One of the topics covered in Episode 2 of our three-part Dutch-language podcast series 'Hoe maak je jouw bedrijf cyberweerbaar?' ('How to Boost Your Business's Cyber-resilience') was the Cyber Incident Response Plan. Jos Slootstra of Dacon ICT Diensten and Alex van Wijhe of SIDN firmly agreed: every organisation should prepare for a cyber-attack by formulating a Cyber Incident Response Plan. A response plan will take no more than a few hours to develop, but could make all the difference if you ever get hacked or suffer a data leak, when every minute counts.
'Incident response' is the term given to the process of dealing with a data leak or cyber-attack, including efforts to mitigate the consequences. All with the ultimate goal of minimising both the financial and reputational damage and the time it takes to get your business back on its feet. The five phases of a good incident response are described in another article. The Cyber Incident Response Plan is a document describing the various types of cyber-incident and the associated response processes. It serves as a game plan for the action needed in the event of a hack or data leak. Click on the image below to view the full checklist.
If you run a small business, you probably don't have cybersecurity expert on your payroll. And there are bound to be a thousand and one other things demanding your attention. So it's very tempting to leave your cybersecurity to your IT service provider. But beware: 58 per cent of the IT service providers involved in our recent survey reported that their SME customers weren't properly protected. It therefore makes sense to ensure you understand the basics yourself and have a good picture of your business's cybersecurity status. What should we be looking out for, and what arrangements should you make with your IT partner? This series we explore what SMEs need to know and what they can do to guard against attacks. Every episode is packed with practical advice.