Hello Registry unveiled as new name for the CIRA-SIDN partnership
Registry platform invites TLD community to come and say 'hello'
Registry platform invites TLD community to come and say 'hello'
At ICANN 81 in Istanbul, we took an important step forward in our partnership with Canadian registry CIRA by announcing the new name for the registry platform we're developing together: Hello Registry.
CIRA and SIDN share a commitment to strengthening the domain name community and driving quality within the industry. At ICANN 78 in Hamburg, we accordingly announced that we were joining forces to take forward development of the system then known as the CIRA Registry Platform.
We've chosen to call the platform Hello Registry because the name reflects our goals. We want to create a network of like-minded top-level registries that are dedicated to innovation and operate on the basis of shared core values. We also want to build a collaborative community. And, of course, every community starts with a 'hello'.
By working together, we can share the cost of developing the new registry platform, so that it's cheaper for each of the registries involved. Collaboration also enables us to amplify the positive influence that SIDN and CIRA already have within the domain name world. Our aim is to offer a modern, flexible registry platform that's continuously refined in line with feedback from all its users. In that way, we intend to enhance users' innovative capabilities, making the ccTLD community stronger than ever.