Expanded campaign toolkit now covers five topics
Fifty registrars and resellers have already used the resources
Fifty registrars and resellers have already used the resources
Our campaign toolkit for .nl registrars and resellers was launched last year. Since then, more than fifty registrars and resellers have downloaded and used the resources. And we're working hard to expand the toolkit: a Search Engine Optimisation resource set was recently added, with an Online Security set due to follow in the autumn. The designs are varied and wide-scoped in order to show how .nl can be linked to other services in a registrar's portfolio.
The toolkit is intended to make it easier to promote .nl online. After all, not all registrars already have a .nl campaign that's ready to run. The toolkit is a collection of rights-free resources, tools and advice for setting up .nl marketing campaigns. The materials are grouped into resource sets, each focusing on a particular topic. During development, the resources were reviewed by both registrars and end customers (registrants) to ensure their suitability. And everything is also regularly updated, so that there's always a good campaign on the shelf, ready for use.
Resources and topics are chosen for inclusion in the toolkit on the basis of consultation with the registrar community and feedback from the SIDN Panel and others. Earlier this year, for example, we decided to develop a Search Engine Optimisation resource set. This autumn, that'll be followed by an updated Business E-mail set and a new Online Security set. Scheduled to launch just before the Alert Online Cybersecurity Month, the second of those sets will support the marketing of domain name-related cybersecurity services such as TLS.
Each resource set includes written instructions, plus a diagram showing exactly where each item belongs on the customer journey. The instructions include key sales arguments, target group profiles and relevant market research data. You're free to use the resources as they are, or adapted to suit your own needs and preferences. Or, indeed, simply to treat them as inspiration for developing your own material. All we ask is that, if you use the market research data, you credit the sources. The written material is in Word format, while the images are .jpg and .eps. So everything is readily editable using the most popular software. Illustrations are made available formatted for the main social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
Details of all the resource sets are available at https://www.sidn.nl/nl-domeinnaam/campagnetoolkit. Fancy the idea of using our toolkit to run your own .nl marketing campaign? We can help! Drop a line to our Account Manager Alfredo Garcia Frias at relatiebeheer@sidn.nl. Support is available to resellers through their registrars.