Eddy Schuyer appointed Special Advisor to SIDN
Appointment follows retirement as Chair of SIDN Fund's Board of Governors
Appointment follows retirement as Chair of SIDN Fund's Board of Governors
At the Board's meeting on 2 May 2022, Eddy Schuyer retired as Chair of SIDN Fund's Board of Governors. Eddy had chaired the Board since the Fund was established in 2014. Prior to that, he was Chair of SIDN's Supervisory Board for nine years. He'll remain associated with SIDN in the role of Special Advisor.
Having served two four-year terms, Eddy had completed the maximum period of service permitted by the Board's Standing Orders. Under Eddy's chairmanship, SIDN Fund has achieved a great deal. The Fund's CEO Valerie Frissen says, "We've established a clear position within the internet community, and we've developed into a professional organisation with an impressive portfolio of eye-catching and relevant internet projects that we've supported. Following an evaluation of the Fund's first three years, we decided to adopt a more focused approach. We switched from open calls for proposals to a programmatic approach based on themed calls, scouting and close collaboration with partners. Eddy successfully oversaw that change of course, the value of which has since been confirmed by a second evaluation, covering the period 2018 to 2020. The conclusion was that the new approach is working well and should be continued."
SIDN's CEO Roelof Meijer said, "We're extremely grateful to Eddy. He's been very significant to both SIDN and SIDN Fund. So we're delighted that he'll remain associated with SIDN in the role of Special Advisor, providing SIDN's Supervisory and Executive Boards with solicited and unsolicited advice. As a Special Advisor, he'll be in good company: our founders Piet Beertema, Boudewijn Nederkoorn and Ted Lindgreen. perform the same role."
Eddy's position as Chair of SIDN Fund's Board of Governors has a very capable new occupier: fellow governor Trude Maas-de Brouwer. Having been a governor since [jaartal], Trude is assuming the role on a temporary basis, while a permanent Chair is sought. Mijndomein CEO Henri de Jong retired from the Fund's Board of Governors at the same time as Eddy. He'll be succeeded by Jeroen Hüpscher (Non-executive Director of team.blue).