Dutch government and SIDN renew covenant to safeguard the .nl domain

Reliability of the .nl domain is vital to the nation

SIDN and the Dutch government's economics ministry (EZK) have extended their covenant safeguarding the reliability and availability of the .nl domain and its ties to the Netherlands. Originally signed in 2008, the covenant will now run for another 7 years. At the end of each term, the two sides undertake an evaluation as a basis for extension.

100% availability

The main conclusion of the latest evaluation was that the continuity and stability of the .nl domain have not been endangered in the last 7 years. The availability of the domain's critical name server function was again 100 per cent during the review period. The name server infrastructure enables internet users to reach the websites linked to the domain names they type into their browsers, and ensures that their e-mails are delivered to the right mailboxes.

Michiel Boots, Director General for the Economy and Digitisation at the Dutch government's economics ministry , and Roelof Meijer, SIDN's CEO, sign the covenant to safeguard the .nl domain.

Figure 1: Michiel Boots, Director General for the Economy and Digitisation at the Dutch government's economics ministry, and Roelof Meijer, SIDN's CEO, sign the covenant to safeguard the .nl domain.

Reliability of the .nl domain is vital to the nation

"With the number of registered domain names now exceeding 6.2 million, the continuity and stability of the .nl domain are vital to Dutch society and the Dutch economy," said EZK's Director General for the Economy and Digitisation, Michiel Boots. Indeed, the last couple of years have emphasised just how vital reliable digital systems are. The aims of the covenant therefore remain unchanged: while respecting each other's autonomy, we want to work together to safeguard the .nl domain's permanent global accessibility and its availability to the Dutch public and business community, as well as to ensure that .nl remains rooted in the Netherlands."

Shared responsibility

"Of course, primary responsibility for the smooth running of the .nl domain lies with SIDN," said SIDN's CEO Roelof Meijer. "We therefore work around the clock to keep the domain functional, secure and stable. As a result, .nl is one of the biggest and most secure internet domains in the world. And, because we recognise just how vital the domain is to the nation, we find it very reassuring to know that, in an emergency, if .nl were ever at serious risk, we could count on the ministry's support."