Drills help organisations prepare to fend off DDoS attacks

SIDN takes part in National Anti-DDoS Coalition DDoS drill

Black computer keyboard with the words DDOS attack on the enter key

Cybercriminals and other malicious actors are continually trying to disrupt our digital society. One way they do that is by launching 'distributed denial-of-service attacks' against online services. Known as DDoS attacks for short, they involve a network of computers all sending huge amounts of data to a server at the same time. Unable to process the tsunami of incoming data, the targeted server either is forced offline for a while, or becomes virtually unreachable for legitimate users.


Reducing the economic impact of DDoS attacks through anti-DDoS coalitions Developing and running a testbed for the DDoS Clearing House

How can resilience against DDoS attacks be maximised? One good way is to get together with other organisations and practise fending off an attack. And that's what members of the National Anti-DDoS Coalition did last weekend during their biannual DDoS drill in Apeldoorn.

Fighting DDoS together

The National Anti-DDoS Coalition is group of organisations that work together to defend against DDoS attacks. Its members include government agencies, internet access providers, internet exchanges, academic centres, non-profit organisations and banks. The Coalition's purpose is to investigate and counter DDoS attacks from various angles.

Attack and defence

ICT Architect Marc Groeneweg acted as SIDN's game leader for the drill. "It's good to see the attacking team putting everything into an infrastructure attack, while the defending team works equally hard to fight the attackers off," says Marc. "By bringing the best out of each other, the participants help to boost the resilience of our services.”