Domain name data to include registrar's abuse contact details

From 10 August, the registration data about each domain name will include contact details for reporting abuse to the registrar. 'Abuse' means any form of internet crime. The additional information will soon be available from the Whois on our website. Easy access to abuse contact details will mean that issues involving the domain name can be dealt with more quickly.

Quarantine period end times to be shown in Whois Less info about private registrants visible in Whois

We are committed to fighting internet abuse

As the operator of one the world's most secure domains, we attach great importance to fighting abuse. We act against internet crime in the .nl domain wherever we can. Our comprehensive programme is a good example of the work we do in this field. From August, we'll be publishing the e-mail address and phone number that you can use to contact the registrar if you come across an issue linked to a domain name. The intention is to make it easier to report abuse.