City TLD .zuerich finally goes live
High expectations for the latest new extension
High expectations for the latest new extension
It's now nine years since ICANN's last application window for new top-level domains (TLDs). Companies, local authorities and others were given the chance to get their own TLDs back in 2012. A total of 1,930 applications were made, of which 1,239 were approved, many of them from cities. In the years that followed, places such as Berlin, New York and Miami quickly got their domains on line. Our own capital's .amsterdam domain has been operational since 2015. However, for a variety of reasons, some of the approved TLDs still haven't come online. And one of the city domains requested back in 2012 is only now opening to the public: .zuerich will be accepting registrations from 22 November. The TLD will be operated by the UK's Centralnic, which already runs nearly a hundred of the world's internet extensions.
The long delay to .zuerich's public launch is down to a number of factors. The first being politics. When applying to create the domain, the government of the eponymous Swiss canton made a payment of 300,000 CHF. At the time, however, the demand for .zuerich domains was negligible. Use of the 'ue' spelling also undermined the TLD's value for German speakers, who normally write the place name with a 'ü'.
Initially, therefore, the domain was available only to the canton itself: all .zuerich domain names were held by the local government, which also ran the twenty-five websites using the extension. The original 300,000 CHF investment and the subsequent running costs were hard to justify on that basis.
Last year, the canton's government therefore decided to open up the domain to Zurich's people and businesses. A sunrise period, during which brand owners can claim the corresponding domain names, began on 30 August. And, from 22 November, anyone from the region can register a .zuerich domain.
Expectations for the new TLD are high: with a population of 1.6 million, Zurich is Switzerland's biggest canton, and one of the wealthiest regions in the world. By way of comparison, .amsterdam and .berlin have 24,000 and 50,000 registrations, respectively.
Want to know more about this city domain? Visit the registry's homepage. For information about how your city or region could benefit from having its own top-level domain, visit our dedicated web page.