Abuse Information Exchange disbands after 12 years
Unique partnership gave a boost to the fight against cybercrime
Unique partnership gave a boost to the fight against cybercrime
At an Abuse Information Exchange meeting on Wednesday 17 April 2024, members, former directors and technical experts reflected on 12 years of very positive collaboration before agreeing to disband the association. Although fighting cybercrime remains as important as ever, many of the association's members now have their own systems, rendering the Abuse IX redundant.
Back in 2012, collaboration in the fight against internet crime was in its infancy, and creation of the Abuse Information Exchange was a significant innovation. Along with SIDN, 7 Dutch internet service providers teamed up to help each other reduce the number of infected customer computers on their networks.
On behalf of its members, the newly formed Abuse Information Exchange (Abuse IX for short) collected information about infections from various sources. The information was then converted to a standard format that was easy for members to process and filter, enabling them to efficiently and effectively identify key threats. As a result, member organisations were able to detect infected computers sooner and offer their customers better, earlier support. That translated into more effective infection control and increased internet security in the Netherlands. During the Abuse IX's 12 years of operation, details of at least 600 million incidents have been passed on to members.